Social media site Facebook announced that it would stick on its policy allowing political ads on its platform despite criticisms that politicians only use it to spread lies.

The company furthered that it was “not deaf” widespread disapprovals, some even coming from its own employees, after it reportedly failed to fact check campaigns.

Facebook’s official Rob Leathern, who is responsible for the site’s political ad library, urged legislators to come up with new regulations that would govern digital political advertising because the lack of rules prompts other companies to do their own.

“Ultimately, we don’t think decisions about political ads should be made by private companies, which is why we are arguing for regulation that would apply across the industry,” he wrote in a blog post.

On Thursday, Facebook (FB) shared some new ways for users to perceive what political advertisements are running on its foundation and some new controls about how they can be focused with promotions.

The site enables campaigns to transfer arrangements of voter data like names and email addresses to its platform and later searches the identified individuals’ Facebook profiles for them to have access to the political promotions.

“For example, if a candidate has chosen to exclude you from seeing certain fundraising ads because they don’t think you will donate again, but you still want a chance to see those ads, you can stop yourself from being excluded,” he furthered.

Both Google and microblogging site Twitter have prior announced restrictions on political ads and how these can be targeted.

Merry Gel Sigui

A multimedia journalist focused on producing articles about controversial global issues specifically on business, economy, politics, and technology. A strong believer in freedom of the press and exposing the wrong. only through engagement and communications can we as humans evolve. An accredited member of a leading local broadcast media organization.